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Mortons Neuroma

Other common names

  • Interdigital neuroma

Who does it affect?

Often tends to affect females, most usually in between the third and fourth toes.

Why does it occur?

The exact cause is unknown. A number of causative factors have been suggested. Symptoms are exacerbated when a lot of pressure has been placed on the forefoot, for example, during running or standing for long periods. Certain footwear can also cause significant pressures to be placed on the forefoot. Other conditions which can intensify the mortons neuroma include the inflammatory or degenerative conditions such as arthritis.


Both ultrasound and MRI have been described for imaging and neuroma.

X-rays of the forefoot may be required to exclude any other forefoot pathology such as inflammatory or degenerative arthritic conditions.

Non-operative treatment

Conservative treatment starts with alteration of footwear. Shoe inserts can release the pressure on the entrapped nerve. Anti-inflammatory medication or corticosteroid injections can help in up to 70% of cases. 

Operative treatment

Surgery is performed under general anaesthetic or regional anaesthesia (only the leg is made numb). A tourniquet is used, which is like a blood pressure cuff around the upper thigh to prevent blood from obscuring the surgeon’s view and the swollen nerve is excised. No plaster is required and patients are allowed to fully weight bear post operatively.





Tim Clough is an Orthopaedic consultant specialising exclusively in the surgery of the Foot, Ankle      Content copyright © 2016 Tim Clough                  web design copyright by it@ph